Come join us for our OPEN DAY - 8th March 2025!

Discover Nobel
Celebrating life's changing moments since 2004
The essence of education is learning to become the person I want to be when all assessments and exams are finally laid to rest! The pursuit of what measures success continues to rapidly change, especially during times of global uncertainties. Here in Nobel, we take our students with us to ride courageously above the unsettling winds of change and the challenges that come with it to determine the best way forward in navigating the new realities. Our teachers are trained to intentionally create learning and nurturing opportunities that empower students to grow academically, emotionally, and socially.
Nobel believes strongly in vigorous support in character transformation, well-being, mental health, open dialogue, and ongoing student counseling. We dive into technology more deeply, prioritise teacher development more robustly, and scrutinise learning outcomes more closely. We want our students' education to be relevant when they embark on their future careers.
The compassion to reach out to others is immensely meaningful and rewarding to me and is truly an integral component in wholesome education. Our students and teachers serve in many collaborative community outreach programs in Fungates Superflow Foundation and projects through Global Perspectives.
I wish to take this opportunity to invite you to visit Nobel International School, where you will experience the warm vibrancy of an active learning community. We are proud to present to you an educational institution that consistently imparts quality academics to its students and grooms them to become successful lifelong learners, effective communicators, compassionate citizens, and trustworthy leaders with exemplary character.
Clarine Chun
Founding Director

Clarine Chun
Founding Director
Latest Happenings and Updates
Alumni: Noteworthy Nobelians

Hoi Khai-Weing, Class of 2018
Recipient of the Arts and Talent Scholarship
Pursuing a degree in violin performance at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, National University of Singapore (NUS).
As I first transferred to Nobel in Year 8 from a government school, I was initially very anxious about studying in an international school as it was not what I was used to. However, being a student at Nobel has been nothing but a warm and happy experience for me. The passionate teachers and diverse student body welcomed me warmly and I remember feeling relieved at how cheerful and helpful everyone was. Looking back, I am very grateful that the curriculum emphasised a holistic education, both mentally and physically, as it has helped me understand the importance of having a balanced mindset. Since I was young, I have always been interested in music, especially playing the violin. As a student at Nobel, I had the wonderful opportunity to perform several times with fellow teachers and friends, and I have always held those memories close to heart. During my Year 10 and 11, I was lucky enough to be a recipient of the Arts and Talent Scholarship. I was immensely grateful for it as it had allowed me to hone my artistic skills outside of school. Having dedicated years to developing my skills as a violinist, the scholarship Nobel had provided me with gave me the additional finance ability and freedom to pursue my passion, which at the time included participating in international competitions, playing with the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra as well as attending international music festivals. This has ultimately contributed to my success in pursuing a degree in violin performance at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in the National University of Singapore (NUS). Currently, I am approaching graduation and I hope to continue my passion for music with a Master’s Degree in Europe.

Aaron Ng Jun Hern, Class of 2019
Studying Business Analytics and Finance at the National University of Singapore (NUS)
My experience at Nobel International School was incredibly fruitful! I learned a lot from my talented peers and knowledgeable teachers. I also made many friends whom I still cherish today. My time at Nobel has shaped me into a more resilient individual; I am no longer afraid to make mistakes, as I now see them not as signs of failure but as signs of effort and growth. Nobel provided a conducive environment for me to make mistakes and learn from them. Currently, I am approaching my final year at the National University of Singapore (NUS), where I am studying Business Analytics and Finance. The scholarship I received had a significant impact on my academic journey. It served as a constant source of motivation to strive for excellence. It supported me in achieving straight As in my IGCSE exams, which ultimately earned me another full scholarship to pursue my A-levels.

Esther Ng Shu Sian, Class of 2019
First-Class Honours in Mathematics, University of Edinburgh.
Finance Transformation Analyst at Deloitte Consulting Malaysia.
My time at Nobel International School has always been a fond memory to reminisce about. The close relationships I shared with my friends and teachers, developed from years of various opportunities within and beyond the classroom, cannot be matched elsewhere. I am grateful for everyone who journeyed with me during my time at Nobel, and for the many opportunities I was given to develop myself holistically. I am particularly grateful to my teachers who not only noticed my interest in Mathematics, but also provided advanced support to help me hone my Mathematical skills. On top of developing a solid academic foundation, I was able to cultivate valuable interpersonal skills through various co-curricular activities. Much of these knowledge and skills were vital as I pursued my tertiary education and entered the working world. I graduated from the University of Edinburgh in July 2024 with a First-Class Honours in Mathematics, and am now working as a Finance Transformation Analyst at Deloitte Consulting Malaysia. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Nobel International School for awarding me the Academic Scholarship in the years 2018 and 2019. The scholarship was a great source of motivation in my pursuit of excellence. But more importantly, the decision and process of applying taught me to be courageous to take on difficult endeavors. Many opportunities will seem beyond your reach, but you will miss it if you do not try!
Au Soung Hui, Class of 2010
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Assistant Director of Activities & Engineering Solutions - White Water Summer Camp (Lite)
Nobel played a pivotal role in my teenage years and taught me how to study better, be a good citizen of my country, someone of principle, and also a proactive leader. No other school would have invested so much time and effort into character building and providing opportunities where students could grow and develop their potential, and to try and learn new things. I was a really shy, introverted kid when I first entered Nobel, but through the school’s well-rounded programs and conducive environment, over time I learned how to interact and work with others more. My friendly teachers allowed me to communicate and connect with them on a personal level, which made learning and asking questions a lot more fun. I could tell that they cared more about the kind of person I was than just what I could memorise from a textbook and cough out onto an exam paper. Academics were important to them, but character – much more so. Nobel taught me to have high standards and to strive for excellence in everything I do, never compromising on quality, which as an engineer, is an incredibly important trait to have. I am truly grateful for everything I learned at Nobel, in the classroom and beyond. If you are looking for the same experience for your child, I highly recommend Nobel and all they have to offer.

Sharolyn Ong, Class of 2011
Bachelor of Science - BS (Hons) Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist, United Kingdom
Speech and Language Therapist - Harrogate and Distrct NHS Foundation Trust
During my time in Nobel, my friends and I would do community work with Superflow Foundation. We went out into the community and gave out food, participated at the soup kitchen where we helped prepare food, and at SuperTouch Kids which is a special school for children with special needs. While volunteering, we met many people with all kinds of different stories. It was fun doing this community work with my friends. I currently work as a speech and language therapist and I help children with additional needs. My experience through the Superflow Foundation, especially the SuperTouch Kids inspired me and has shaped me to be who I am today. So if you and your friends have the chance to do that, make sure you don’t miss out because it’s so much fun doing it together, but it also helps you learn so much about helping other people.

Sean Ng, Class of 2014
First Class Honours, Masters in Mechanical Engineering,
Top Achiever Scholarship, University of Southampton,
Top in the World 2014 - Cambridge ICT
Lead Product Demo Designer, Dyson, United Kingdom,
Co-Founder of Ocrux Studios
I had a wonderful experience at Nobel. The school provided me with an excellent foundation in science and mathematics, and provided me with the opportunity to explore a variety of extracurricular activities from joining the Robotics & Filmmaking clubs in my earlier years to becoming the President of the Debate Club and Editor-in-Chief of the Editorial Board in my senior year. These formed the basis for my soft skills in critical thinking, public speaking, writing, and project management, all of which were essential for my professional career.

Kew Ming Qiao, Class of 2022
Top in the World 2022 - Mandarin Foreign Language
I have made many friends who were always there for me through thick and thin. They have had a significant impact on my life and have helped me grow into the person I am today. The memories created during my 11 years at Nobel including competitive sports days, enjoyable field trips, PE Classes and more wil certainly be something that comes to mind when I reflect on my time at Nobel in the future.

Olivia Ch'ng Yuette Li, Class of 2022
Top in Malaysia 2022 - Literature in English
The most impactful relationships that have helped me grow as a person here in Nobel are the relationships with my friends. Throughout the years, I have been granted the opportunity to meet a variety of people from different backgrounds. This allowed me to be more empathetic towards others as I can better understand how other people think and feel. Furthermore, these friendships have allowed me to learn how to be more patient and adopt a more positive outlook towards hardships. Overall, my relationship with my friends have made me a better person and these are relationships that I will treasure for the rest of my life.
Our daughter’s journey in Nobel over the last 9 years has been very pleasant and joyful experience. It has been such a pleasure watching her grow and develop under the care and guidance of the teachers. The dedication and hardwork is clearly evident in the tremendous success we have continuously witnessed (through the exam results and overall character development). She has grown leaps and bounds over the years and acquired the necessary leadership skills and other relevant experience required to be an all-rounder/versatile student. We have no doubt that Nobel will keep soaring higher and higher in achieving top-notch students and future leaders.
Mr. & Mrs. Retnandran
Parent of Year 10 student
Nobel International School is always in the forefront of excellence for education. Having been part of a team, who was laying down the fundamental infrastructure for Early Childhood Education System for the Ministry of Education in Indonesia 20 years ago, has allowed me to understand better the importance of a solid fundamental and vision from school and institutions. My daugter, current in Year 4, was a student in Nobel since preschool, and her brother will soon join Nobel Preschool as well. We have always trusted the education future of our children at Nobel International School and will continue to support and be a part of the team in grooming and preparing our children for the future.
Ms. Nur Fadhlina
Parent of Year 4 Student
After Iniya’s award for the 21st Century Student of the Year previously, a few of my colleagues inquired about the school. I am proud of my kids going to Nobel International School. I’ll proudly recommend Nobel to my friends and colleagues.
Mr. Magesh
Parent of Year 6 student