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Creative & Professional

  • Accounting (Year 9)

  • Commerce

  • Art & Design³

  • Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

  • Design & Technology (D&T) (Year 7)

Health & Well-Being

  • Physical Education

  • Character Transformation / Islamic Studies²


  • English - First / Second Language

  • Malay¹ - Foreign / First Language (Year 9)

  • Mandarin - Second / Foreign / Fundamental Language

Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Social Science (Year 7 and 8)

  • Global Perspectives

  • Bible Knowledge³

Science & Mathematics

  • Science

  • Mathematics

¹Compulsory for Malaysian Students

²Compulsory for Muslim Students

³Elective Subjects: One must be selected from the available options

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Key Stage 3 (Cambridge Lower Secondary)

Cambridge Lower Secondary provides seamless progression from Cambridge Primary. Cambridge curriculum frameworks reflect the teaching targets for each year group and provide comprehensive learning objectives. The learners will find plenty of opportunities to develop creativity, expression and well being in a variety of ways. Cambridge Lower Secondary develops the skills, knowledge and understanding that will prepare learners for a smooth transition to Cambridge Upper Secondary.

International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC)

The International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC) is a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on specific needs of the teenage brain, guided by brain-based research and supported with a progressive pedagogy to develop learners into informed, globally competent, and future-ready citizens. The thematic approach provides opportunities for Year 7, 8 and 9 students to interlink meaning between different subjects, reflect on their subject learning and make personal meaning through subjects such as History, Geography, Languages etc. The process to facilitate learning is embedded throughout themes and specific subject learning tasks and activities. In the process, the learner participates in an entry point to stimulate their interest and ends with an exit point to celebrate the learning that has taken place.

Junior School Curriculum (Year 7 - Year 9)

Nobel International Junior School’s curriculum forms the base of our teaching and learning processes, which are centered around a holistic and well-rounded experience for every child. Two very well-established curricula have been integrated to provide a broad and balanced education for our learners:

  • Cambridge Lower Secondary (by Cambridge Assessment International Education)

  • International Middle Years Curriculum, referred to as IMYC (by International Curriculum Association)

Junior School Assessment

Assessments and Evaluations are important components of learning. Learners are assessed regularly to measure their progress in the academic and self-development spheres. This enables teachers to identify areas where learners have grown and the support they need to go further. Our assessment structure is outlined below:

Formative Assessment

  • Assignments

  • Coursework

  • Tests

Summative Assessment

  • Mid-year Examination   (Term 1)

  • Final-year Examination (Term 2)

Junior & Senior School

Key Stage 3 & 4

Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Economics

  • Global Perspectives

  • Literature (English)

Creative & Professional

  • Art & Design

  • Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

  • Computer Science

  • Accounting

  • Business Studies

Health & Well-Being

  • Physical Education

  • Character Transformation / Islamic Studies²


  • English - First / Second Language

  • Malay¹ - First / Foreign Language

  • Mandarin - Second / Foreign Language


  • Mathematics

  • Additional Mathematics


  • Biology

  • Physics

  • Chemistry

  • Combined Science

¹Compulsory for Malaysian Students

² Compulsory for Muslim Students

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Key Stage 4 (Cambridge Upper Secondary)

Cambridge Upper Secondary builds on the foundations of Cambridge Lower Secondary. Upon completion of Key Stage 4, our learners are prepared for the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), a widely recognized international qualification. The IGCSE is known for its rigorous curriculum and assessment standards, making it an ideal pathway for students seeking to continue their education at the advanced level. With the IGCSE acting as a strong foundation, students can confidently pursue Cambridge International AS & A Levels, Cambridge Pre-U, or other progression routes, knowing they have received a thorough and challenging education.

Senior School Curriculum (Year 10 - Year 11)

Nobel International Senior School’s curriculum prioritises learner-centered and inquiry-based approaches to learning, with the goal of fostering independent learners to develop skills in creative thinking, inquiry, and problem-solving, ultimately preparing them for their future educational endeavours. Our educators are dedicated to provide an education that encourages a love for learning and promotes critical thinking skills. Hence, Nobel offers Cambridge Upper Secondary to Year 10 and Year 11 learners.

Senior School Assessment

For Senior School, Nobel International School instills independent learning among the learners. They are given a clearer picture of what the actual IGCSE assessments would be like through the following assessment structure:

Formative Assessment

  • Coursework

  • Tests

Summative Assessment

  • Mid-year Examination   (Term 1)

  • Final-year Examination (Term 2)

External Assessment

  • IGCSE (Year 11)

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